Education Assistance
Eastern Star Training Awards for Religious Leaders (ESTARL)
estarl application download
Eligibility Requirements
- Student must be a legal resident of Missouri.
- Student must have dedicated his or her life to religious leadership.
- Student must be recommended by member of our Order or a Chapter.
- Student is free to select the accredited school of his or her choice
- Student must be registered as a student as defined by the college, university, or seminary and have completed one year of college.
- Applications must be received by June 15 for the Fall Semester and by November 15 for the Spring Semester.
- Three letters of recommendation must accompany the original application.
- The number of applicants assisted depends upon the funds on hand as well as the number of applications and their merits and needs.
- It is not necessary that the applicants have Masonic or Eastern Star relationships. However, other things being equal, applicants with affiliation shall be given preference.
- An Eastern Star Chapter, or a member of a Chapter, is asked to send only one application in a given year, and they are asked to not send another application as long as a sponsored student is receiving assistance.
- Renewal Students please send in a completed page 1 with a copy of your current transcripts/grades by the dates in Paragraph 6.
Education Fund Scholarship Board (ESFB)
efsb guidelines download
efsb application download
Eligibility Requirements
- Applicants must have completed high school with a diploma or a certificate of kind stating so and meet the Missouri Eastern Star or Masonic Youth Organization guidelines as noted below.
- Members of the Order of the Eastern Star in Missouri; descendants of current members of Missouri Eastern Star or deceased members in good standing; and members of Missouri Masonic Youth Organizations known as the International Order of Rainbow for Girls, Job’s Daughters International, and Missouri DeMolay.
- All scholarships are for one-year payable half for fall semester and second half for winter/spring semester if GPA remains above 2.8.
- Recipients can reapply each year so long as requirements are met. Applications received for additional scholarship will be judged along with all other applications for that year.
- The scholarships are for use at any accredited college, university or vocational/technical school regardless of location.
- The recipient must provide proof of enrollment to obtain the first half of the scholarship. Upon verification of enrollment for the second semester and GPA level, the additional half will be issued. Verification is to be sent to the Educational Fund Scholarship Board Committee within 30 days following completion of the first semester. Recipients are expected to provide information needed for second half of scholarship without additional notification.
a. Application
b. School Transcript (High School & College)
c. Three letters of recommendation
d. Essay

Grand Chapter Of Missouri
Order of the Eastern Star
6033 Masonic Dr.
Columbia, MO 65202
Contact Us